
Thursday, March 7, 2019

Interview with Podunk Parliament

Today's interview is with Podunk Parliament, quite the active group with members also behind Liber-DIY Records and Just D.I.Y. Booking and Promotions.

How did Podunk Parliament come together? 

Dalton: I moved to Dallas in 2015 from Albuquerque NM. I did have much or know anyone besides my mom here. I had a guitar so I picked it up. Something I hadn't done in a long time. I started playing in my room like everyone does. Covering AJJ and Pat the Bunny songs. I went to Buzz Brews off Lemmon Ave for an Open Mic to try and preform some. They had actually stopped doing it since they lost their Host. I took over as the Host for their open mic nights every Tuesday. I play there for almost a year. And started writting my own stuff. I was posting on Twitter and someone invited me to a show at LiberDIY in Denton. I went! I met Cub. And I played a few songs he liked me and my music. And asked me what I called myself. I really didn't have a name for myself yet. I had joked with a friend back home when we were drunk and said I should call myself Podunk Parliament. So when I was asked that's what came to mind 1st. And that's where it all started.

How would you describe your music? 

Dalton: We usually tell people we play political acoustic punk rock hah. We dont like the term folk punk all that much, but if the shoe fits!! Its mostly politically driven, but when I started the project my main goal was to help anyone who felt alone in the world to not feel so alone anymore.

Who what are some of your biggest influences? 

Dalton: For me what influences our music is our friends. I'm also inspired by cartoons, like kid shows, current political struggle, and my mental health.

Jacob: Influences is a tough one, there’s a lot

What is the story behind Liber-DIY Records?

Jacob: LiberDIY Records I originally started to put out my own music but it kinda escalated amongst the people I knew needing online distro and promotion, so I got into that on top of my recording engineering training and here we are. 

What are some hot artists involved that people should check out? Or upcoming events or releases? 

Jacob: Podunk Parliament is definitely top of the list, we’ve got a new full-length coming out real soon, as well as a record from suburban wildlife this spring, and hopefully a shooting Tsars record this summer

What about Just D.I.Y. booking and promotions? 

Mike: Just diy basically started when this band from Florida called Clem McGilicutty and the Burnouts asked me about helping them find a show here in Dallas and i just kind of kept booking shows. About a year into it I met Dalton and Cub. I booked them as a duo a handfull of times. I was so blown away by the lyrical content of the songs I asked to play bass for them. So we built the gutbucket and the rest is history so to speak.

Got anything in the works that Podunk Parliament fans should look forward to?

Dalton: Podunk has a new album coming out very soon. Another full length called Nothing Left. This will have drums which will be new that Cub has been doing and all recorded at LiberDIY

Go check out the music now!